NEW YORK, NY – There are a number of domainers out there that live and die by the sword – that is, the ad placement sword, where they cut and slice up deep rich (or some even thin) content pages with just the right mix of ads, images and content to keep users entertained while the clicks keep coming in. This is how the developer-focused domainer drives revenue on their blogs and net properties, especially since domain parking revenue dried up.
That last thing domainers need now, in a river of already down streaming revenue tools, is a new Google powered browser that turns their monetization strategies off like a faucet does water.
According to a story in Ad Age, Google, the king of all ad networks I might add, is soon to release a web browser that will turn off and block all ads for sites deemed to inappropriately display ads on pages considered messy – so to speak.
If they blacklist you because of bad creative, Chrome will block all the ads on the site,” said one publishing exec, not authorized to discuss the offering. “Google becomes the judge, jury and executioner. Next thing you know, you’re making zero money.
Is it just me, or does it seem-like the Internet is the single industry and career you could feel you have absolutely mastered, and then have to do it over and over again, every two months or so, from scratch?
What’s next?
What mouse-trap could Google through at us next? An incorporation certificate for each and every domain I want to register for Google Business Pages? How about third party website hosting is too slow and unreliable to be listed in Google search, unless you purchase your hosting from Google Cloud Sites of course? No, wait, I have it!
Maybe Google can soon implement a Webmaster Tools Certification Program which requires a ‘passing grade’ for webmasters who wish their sites to be included in Google search. The certification program can include an online study coerce filled with ‘best practices’ for not spamming Google or otherwise annoying or confusing users. This would be a great topic for Domain Gang; a list of ridiculous things that Google could soon require for you to be considered a viable search result in Google.
Maybe it is not that far-fetched at all?

About The Author: John Colascione is Chief Executive Officer of Internet Marketing Services Inc. He specializes in Website Monetization, is a Google AdWords Certified Professional, authored a ‘how to’ book called ”Mastering Your Website‘, and is a key player in several Internet related businesses through his search engine strategy brand Searchen Networks®
I think it would be unfortunate when innocent sites get dropped for this, however, I think that Google has been in this sector so long now that their solution based on data-crunching research may benefit the core as a whole (Even with the occasional friendly fire).