NEW YORK, NY – The Internet Commerce Association (ICA) joined Domain Sherpa this week to let viewers know about the organization and exactly what it is, what it collectively does and who’s involved. The segment stated out with Kamila Sekiewicz, Executive Director, who introduced the board of directors and a little about the organization basically stating that it is an “essential organization” for the domain industry, which seems well put and accurate if you ask me.
The mic was then turned over to Nat Cohen, Board Member, who reiterated more of what the ICA does, and how it has been the leading voice for advocacy and protection for domain owners and investors, when Drew Rosener, Media Options CEO, and ICA member, seemed to rightfully interject adding some meaningful insights on how important the ICA is for every domain name owner, especially those who make a living off of domains, or those who feel domains have treated them well.
I felt that point specifically put a necessary and personal spin on the discussion, at least for me, as that is exactly why I joined the organization roughly two years ago; domain names and the domain industry itself have been good to me over the years, and without a group like the Internet Commerce Association advocating for my rights (and the rights of others), much of this would not have been possible, or more difficult, less likely, etc.
Most of their work is done behind the scenes, and as Kamila had mentioned in her opening, it’s quite surprising that there are likely many domain name industry professionals that do not know much about the ICA.
Recent efforts that the ICA has been working on were thoroughly explained by ICA Counsel Zak Muscovitch, including the need for UDRP reform, Verisign’s monopoly on .com domain names and the latest big issue affecting domain owners – the Cooperative Agreement between Verisign and the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) which is set to expire next month in November.
The interview was roughly an hour and is one of few that I have taken that much time to listen to in its entirety; time is money, use it wisely. Watch the video or download the MP3 and listen to it on the go.

About The Author: John Colascione is Chief Executive Officer of Internet Marketing Services Inc. He specializes in Website Monetization, is a Google AdWords Certified Professional, authored a ‘how to’ book called ”Mastering Your Website‘, and is a key player in several Internet related businesses through his search engine strategy brand Searchen Networks®
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