BOCA RATON – Not sure why it has taken Google so long to realize and implement a sites various version into webmaster tools, but they have finally sent out a notification letting users know they have done so. It’s been one of the most annoying things; to have to enter each individual version of your sites URL into webmaster tools. For example, www, non www, http://, https, etc. This should go without having to designate as it just creates extra meaningless work when adding … [Read more...]
SHOCKER: Two More “Dot Brands” Throw in the Sponge on Future of Alternative URLs
NEW YORK, NY – According to, another two dot brands are letting go of their sweet dreams of running their very own .BRAND URL. The two companies are “Blanco GmbH” and “SPIEGEL-Verlag Rudolf Augstein GmbH & Co. KG”. I’ve never heard of these companies before, but surely these special URLs such as “.blanco” and “.spiegel” would have made them both Uber famous and internationally known. Nonetheless, they have notified ICANN that they are throwing in the towel on … [Read more...]
EVIL: Will Google Do Away with Domain Name and Extension Entirely Anyway?
NEW YORK, NY – Our best friends at Google are quietly scheming behind the scenes to through yet another curve ball misconstrued as a benefit to all web users, especially us domain name owners, brokers, investors and enthusiasts. They’re always up to something neat aren’t they? According to, Google has been working, at least since 2014, on replacing the Uniform Resource Locators (URLs) we use as web addresses with something a little less complicated. After all, … [Read more...]
Donuts Acquisition of BudURL Makes Good Use of New Top Level Domain Names
NEW YORK, NY – Donuts Inc, the company behind hundreds of new domain name extensions has acquired a link shortening service formally known as BudURL, and rebranded it as BL.INK. The service had been around for ten years and was founded by Andy Meadows. The acquisition took place sometime in 2017 according to a company press release, yet Donuts had been operating it in “stealth mode” quietly building in key features which will enhance the services ability to customize URLs … [Read more...]
A “PRIME” Example That .COM Leads in Necessity; nGTLDs Registered Defensively
NEW YORK, NY – It has been recently discovered, that the single word domain name, which had been reportedly for sale in the seven figure range (Between $1M and $5M), at least since 2011, is now intellectual property of tech-giant Amazon. The name, which was originally registered in 1987, shows being parked since 2004 via archive. An exact ‘price’ of the domain is not currently known (although I am sure someone out there is working diligently to try and dig … [Read more...]
Examining Past Alternative Dots Helps Predict Future Adoption of New Ones?
NEW YORK, NY – Sometimes to predict the future, it is as easy as simply examining the past. Based on a comment from one of my readers, this simple graph shows movements and numbers of registrations for some of the ‘original’ alternative dots and what is happening with them. Alternatives such as .BIZ, .INFO, .MOBI, .PRO, .NAME, .XXX for example, verse the originals. What good are or were these alternative URLs availability and how have newcomers adopted these into branding … [Read more...]
Top 100 Domain Sales for Names Containing the Word “News” Past 5 Years (NameBio)
NEW YORK, NY - News is a hot commodity these days, especially with the birth and buzz around Fake News turning elections. Fundamental change is what's happening out there in the News content landscape, and its especially influential when powered by syndication giants such as Bing News and Google News, who make stories reach thousands - quick. Yep, just about anyone with a good writing educate, great looking site and/or a cool looking domain name can find themselves nearly … [Read more...]
Greatest Benefits of New gTLDs is PR, Temporary “Buzz Factor” “Link Equity”
NEW YORK, NY – A long time ago, say, 8-10 years ago, to effectively market a website on the Internet you needed to know how to do some very basic SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and you needed to acquire lots of inbound links to your site – from just about anywhere you could find them, and when you understood this and utilized it, you could reap tremendous reward from search engine traffic. This is because if you simply acquired or purchased enough inbound links to your … [Read more...]
Making Their Mark: “Big Brands” Invest Hundreds of Millions on .Dot Alternatives
NEW YORK, NY - Regardless of what your position is on new gTLD domains "Big Brands" are buying in hook, line and sinker while ICANN is raking in hundreds of millions of dollars on new gTLD fees. Each new application cost its applicant $185,000.00 and with it, an annual maintenance fee of $24,000.00 (yearly recurring). This doesn't include potentially hundreds of generic domains that were applied for and went to auction (I didn't count each one [Full statistics here] … [Read more...]