NEW YORK – Back in 1999, ICANN adopted the Uniform Dispute Resolution Policy (“UDRP”) and its related Rules (the “UDRP Rules”) for the resolution of certain limited kinds of domain name disputes between registrants and third parties, i.e. abusive registration of domain names, otherwise known as “cybersquatting”, which is the practice of registering a domain name in bad faith.
The ICA, (“The Internet Commerce Association”) believes that although the UDRP process has largely been successful in providing a simple mechanism for solving these types of disputes, its rules and guidelines have not been reviewed since its inception, 18 years ago. In fact, it is not even scheduled for review at any point in the future, as its creation did not detail a requirement for review.
The ICA believes that it is time for review, discussion, re-evaluation and suggested improvements and will begin advocating to ICANN stakeholders that such an important part of the domain name system should not be without requirements for review at some sort of scheduled intervals. This process will begin with the release of its 2018 UDRP Reform Policy Platform (Version 1.0 PDF). Further versions will become available after what ICA expects to be “vigorous and constructive discussion”.
This policy reform effort details many potential problems, such as fees, structures, potential conflicts of interest of panelists, and provides solutions, some of which would only be expected from a set of rules and processes maintained unchanged for nearly 20 years, especially when those guidelines oversee an industry which itself experiences vast change over time. ICA is on the right track with this and anyone in their right mind couldn’t possibly feel that some level of review isn’t, from time to time, necessary. But that doesn’t mean it will be without challenge to make it happen.
To find out more read through ICA’s 2018 UDRP Reform Policy Platform (Version 1.0 PDF).
The Internet Commerce Association is a non-profit trade organization made possible by its Board and Contributing Members which enable it to speak as a single and powerful voice in Washington DC and around the world, for the interest of all Domain Name Investors. Find out more here:

About The Author: John Colascione is Chief Executive Officer of Internet Marketing Services Inc. He specializes in Website Monetization, is a Google AdWords Certified Professional, authored a ‘how to’ book called ”Mastering Your Website‘, and is a key player in several Internet related businesses through his search engine strategy brand Searchen Networks®
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