It is pretty well excepted among marketers that the title of your article can be more important than the actual body of content. Reason being, if no-one is interested enough to click on the title of your article, no-ones reading it anyway. Makes sense right? I stumbled onto a great article which visualized the “title attributes” in a way I had not seen before, and sometimes when I find great ideas, I write about it here. I find that not only will it help others, but it better sinks in my mind if I write about it, rather than just try to remember it or bookmark it.
Take a look at this graphic that I found while reading “The Magical Content that Gets Links and Shares – New Research” via the Moz Newsletter.
I love this graphic because it not only visualizes how exactly to create a great title, but it shows you how many of these data points can fit appropriately within a well written title. I have known of one tool thus far to help you make a science out of your headlines. This tool, which I have used occasionally for years, is the Emotional Marketing Value Headline Analyzer by the Advanced Marketing Institute.
It uses something called Emotional Marketing Value (EMV scores). This is a great tool that anyone can use to help write effective titles, and I especially like using it for News headlines. The graphic above seems to create a system for how this headline [probably] analyzer works.
Taking the time to read and study both this diagram above and the Emotional Marketing Value Headline Analyzer you should be able to get a good feel for the types of headlines to create and the types of words and phrases which become extremely valuable hooks in your marketing efforts. An effective title can be the difference between lots of visitors and/or just one; you.

About The Author: John Colascione is Chief Executive Officer of Internet Marketing Services Inc. He specializes in Website Monetization, is a Google AdWords Certified Professional, authored a ‘how to’ book called ”Mastering Your Website‘, and is a key player in several Internet related businesses through his search engine strategy brand Searchen Networks®
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