PALM BEACH, FL - Imagine if your images could speak to Google, revealing their hidden keywords and boosting your search engine rankings. Well, it's not just a fantasy anymore. Google's advanced artificial intelligence (AI) has the ability to see and interpret the content of your images, opening up new SEO opportunities. While it's common knowledge that having keywords in the text sections of your website is important, many overlook the power of incorporating relevant … [Read more...]
ACE Enforcement Action Reaches Record Levels, Over 3,000 Pirate Domains Seized
LOS ANGELES, CA - The Alliance for Creativity and Entertainment (ACE) has stepped up their enforcement actions recently, having seized over 3,000 pirate site domains over the past few weeks. But despite this impressive effort, the number of new and illegal domains constantly taking the place of the ones that have been taken down are never-ending. The domains in question – which revolve around pirating copyrighted video entertainment such as movies and television … [Read more...]
Domain History As Google Ranking Factor Highlighted Again in Search Engine Journal
BOCA RATON, FL - The history of domain name can have a decisively significant factor in terms of its Google ranking. If a user owns a domain that is new and has never been used before then they essentially have a clean slate, but if the domain name was previously owned and has changed hands – perhaps even more than once – how it was utilized by its previous owner and/or owners could absolutely have an impact on your ranking going forward. Most people don't pay much … [Read more...]
Domainer? Here’s One “Hyphenated” Domain Success Story You Will Enjoy
PALM BEACH, FL – Way – way back in 2008, I suggested one of my clients purchase the domain name, I usually steer clear of hyphenated domain names because they clearly do not pass the radio test. Who wants to tell someone to visit their website address with a dash in it? Probably no one, and especially not me. But in this circumstance, I figured the domain name would likely rank well for the term “NNN Properties” which are commercial investment … [Read more...]
How Google Became the Most Popular Search Engine; Eyes on Innovation
NEW YORK, NY – In the early 1990’s, the Internet was in its infancy. At that time, a great majority of information on this new and interesting "World Wide Web" was from colleges and universities. With the growth of this vast amount of information came interest in a better way for finding things which birthed some of the webs very first search engines, many of which you’ve likely never even heard of. Some who used the Internet at that time might be more likely to remember more … [Read more...]
LSIGraph: A Free, Yet Limited “Latent Semantic Indexing” Word Research Tool
NEW YORK, NY – You might be familiar with my list of online tools to run, market and manage your Internet business; or you might have just seen it for the first time today. I’m adding something new to the list. It’s called the LSIGraph, and it’s free for a limited number of searches. I’ll give you an example of how it works and how it might help your web pages rank better for online searches. For a quick visual on Latent Semantic Indexing, see this very old post. Note: … [Read more...]
The “Super Secret” to Appraising Your .com Domain Name for 2018 and Beyond
NEW YORK, NY - There have been many changes over the last five years when it comes to Internet domain names. I will say that this pertains to the average domain (web address), not so much a super-premium domain name, but your average .com two or three word domain name. For the most part, pricing has gone down, for whatever reason. Some changes you may have noticed such as: The EMD Penalty: Where Google will not simply rank the domain at the top of search for its exact … [Read more...]
Expense Report: Domainers to See Increase in Costs via Secure Browser Requirements
Over the last year, buzz on SSL use in general has been skyrocketing due to increased hacking and search engine requirements. Now, web browsers will instill even more urgency for webmasters and site owners to get-their-act-together and prepare to tackle the challenge of converting non-secure sites, to secure. In a business field already difficult to prosper, the last thing you need is another monkey-wrench thrown into the mix. For many domain owners, including myself, it … [Read more...]
Automotive Shopping Sites Take Major Plunge In Web Traffic, User Visits for 4th Quarter of 2016
COMMACK, NY - Something happened out there in traffic land, beginning sometime in September 2016, which has sent the worlds top 10 automotive shopping sites into a complete nose dive when it comes to traffic, page-views, and likely, revenue. Something is definitely happening in the automotive shopping space, and potentially across the board effecting multiple industries. Why Are Auto Shopping Sites Taking A Major Plunge In Traffic? Was it the returning school year [as … [Read more...]
Think You Don’t Need Those Google Sponsored Results? You’re Dead Wrong!
If you thought that sponsored search results on the top of seach engines were just for those who are hard to find or those wanting to increase brand value you are dead wrong. A research study conducted by shows just how inacurate this thought process is. Some key take-away information is below. … [Read more...]
Top 15 National Yellow Pages Websites Worth Your Business; Listed by Traffic
The "Yellow Pages" are still very much alive and well, they’re just not big, heavy tree-killing, paper-wasting books anymore. In 1886 when the very first official Yellow Pages Directory was created, the name "Yellow Pages" was actually unintentional; it came into use when a printer ran-out of white paper and yellow paper was used instead. Fast forward 130 years later, the term Yellow Pages was and is still so successful, there seems to be a thousand different “Yellow Pages”. … [Read more...]