BELLEVUE, WA - Domain name registrar and registry services provider Identity Digital has announced they will be releasing – for first-time availability – over 20,000 short premium domains at NamesCon Global 2024, including hundreds of .vote domains just in time for election season, as well as more than 1,000 one and two-character .info domains. Identity Digital noted that the launch of the Early Access Phase (EAP) for these premium domains is slated to take place … [Read more...]
Domain Investor Shares Three Investing Tools He Uses Every Single Morning
PALM BEACH, FL - Elliot Silver, an expert in the specialized business of domain name investing, recently penned an article where he shared the three investing tools he uses every single morning and how they play a pivotal role in his success. No matter where I am or what I have planned for the day, I spend some time looking at upcoming domain name auctions,” he said. “The time I spend varies depending on my schedule, but on a regular workday where I am at home, I will … [Read more...]
Google Begins Testing Custom Filters for Search Based on Domains, Keywords
MOUNTAIN VIEW, CA - Google has begun testing custom filters for its search engine for results based on domains and keywords. Currently, these new features have been made available only to a certain number of users, which allow them to customize their search results according to certain specific domain types, websites, and keywords in order to find the information they are looking for. Reports indicate that these new filters allow users to search for specific types of files … [Read more...]
Google Now Displays Wallet Balances for Ethereum Name Services (ENS) Domains
MOUNTAIN VIEW, CA - Google has recently integrated native support for wallet balances of Ethereum Name Services (ENS) domains in its search results, a move that should simplify the process of sending and receiving funds on the part of cryptocurrency holders by substituting standard – and, thus, easier to remember – domain names in the place of the complicated wallet addresses commonly associated with blockchain-specific domains. ENS translates computer identifiers into … [Read more...]
What Is Geofencing And How Does It Work?
FLORIDA - Geofencing is a location-based technology that creates virtual boundaries around a specific geographic area. These boundaries are defined by GPS, RFID, Wi-Fi, or cellular data. When a device, typically a smartphone or GPS-enabled device, enters or exits the predefined geographic area, it triggers a response or action. Here's how geofencing typically works: Imagine a virtual fence you can draw around any area, like your competitor's dealership or even … [Read more...]
LSI, Latent Semantic Indexing – What Is Google Looking for on Your Website?
Update: I originally wrote this post in 2007 (TUESDAY, MAY 15, 2007) on Google's Blogger platform. I've recently moved it here as I have referenced it so many times and prefer it to be located here. NEW YORK, NY - I have discussed LSI, Latent Semantic Indexing, in the past but I have never gone into it in great detail or provided real examples of the science in action so I want to go into it a bit right now. It is nothing short of amazing to see how one word can mean another … [Read more...]
A “PRIME” Example That .COM Leads in Necessity; nGTLDs Registered Defensively
NEW YORK, NY – It has been recently discovered, that the single word domain name, which had been reportedly for sale in the seven figure range (Between $1M and $5M), at least since 2011, is now intellectual property of tech-giant Amazon. The name, which was originally registered in 1987, shows being parked since 2004 via archive. An exact ‘price’ of the domain is not currently known (although I am sure someone out there is working diligently to try and dig … [Read more...]
ICA Full Speed Ahead: Can UDRP Be Used to Steal Your Domain Name After 20 Years?
NEW YORK, NY – As the saying goes, actions [always] speak louder than words. I came across some material today on Circle ID that certainly merits some highlighting; reason being, all domainers should know about it. A Re-Examination of the Defense of Laches After 18 Years of the UDRP, by Internet Commerce Association With some much going wrong in the world these days, boy does it feel good to see something ‘going right’ once in a while. First off, If you are a … [Read more...]