BELLEVUE, WA - Domain name registrar and registry services provider Identity Digital has announced they will be releasing – for first-time availability – over 20,000 short premium domains at NamesCon Global 2024, including hundreds of .vote domains just in time for election season, as well as more than 1,000 one and two-character .info domains. Identity Digital noted that the launch of the Early Access Phase (EAP) for these premium domains is slated to take place … [Read more...]
Google Chrome, Once Again, Messing with Domain Names In Browser Address Bar
PALM BEACH – Sometimes I just hate Google, and I must admit, those times come a heck of a lot more often these days than they did in the past. I personally used to consider Google an ambiguous friend; always quietly working for me in the background, creating all new interesting ways for me to beat-out the competition. Assigning me that "competitive edge" through working smart and not hard. Allowing experienced know-how to tear through competitors and level the playing field … [Read more...]